Source: index.js

/* @module dotenv-check A module that performs deployment checks, based on info found on your .env files */


const Promise = require('bluebird').Promise
const path = require('path')
const helpers = require('./helpers')
const errors = require('./errors')
const recursiveFileScan = require("recursive-readdir")

 * Reads a .env file and returns its content in utf-8 format
 * @param {String} fileName The name of the .env file to check
 * @returns {Promise} Promise object represents the contents of the file
const readDotenv = async function (fileName) {
    try {
        return await helpers.readFileAsync(path.resolve(fileName), 'UTF8')
    } catch(err){
        throw new errors.DotenvCheckFileNotFoundError(`File ${fileName} could not be found`)

 * Splits the file into lines, in every linebreak, and then splits on = character
 * @param {String} file The .env file as a utf-8 string
 * @return {Array} An array containing each line formatted
const transformDotenv = function (file) {
    const lines = file.match(/[^\r\n]+/g) //split in new lines
    if (!lines) return []
    const processedLines = => {
        // In case of pure whitespace, ignore
        if (/^(\s)*$/.test(line)) {
            return null
        const lineParts = helpers.extendedSplit(line, '=', 2)
        return lineParts
    }).filter(line => line !== null) // filter out empty lines
    return processedLines

 * Checks if all environment variables passed to the .env file have valid names, and if there are any duplicates
 * @param {Array} processedLines An array, representing each line of the .env file as an array, that contains the environment variable name in index 0, and the value of the variable in index 1 
 * @return {Map} A map containing the environment variable names as its keys, and null as the value of these keys
const validateDotenv = function(processedLines) {
    const variables = new Map()
    processedLines.forEach((line, idx) => {
        const invalidLine = idx + 1
        // Invalid syntax, correct example: NODE_ENV=production, wrong example: NODE_ENV
        if (line.length !== 2) {
            throw new errors.DotenvCheckInvalidDotenvFileStructureError(`Dotenv file is invalid in line ${invalidLine}`)
        // Invalid environment variable name
        if (!/^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/.test(line[0])) {
            // Invalid first letter, first letter is more strict and must contain only characters from a-z (upper or lowercase) or an undersoce
            if (!/^[a-zA-Z_]$/.test(line[0].split('')[0])) {
                throw new errors.DotenvCheckInvalidDotenvVariableNameError(`Invalid variable name ${line[0]} in line ${invalidLine}. First letter allowed characters: latin letters, _`)
            // Invalid variable name 
            else {
                throw new errors.DotenvCheckInvalidDotenvVariableNameError(`Invalid variable name ${line[0]} in line ${invalidLine}. Allowed characters: latin letters, numbers, _`)
        // Duplicate variable error handling
        if (variables.has(line[0])) {
            throw new errors.DotenvCheckDotenvDuplicateVariableError(`Variable ${line[0]} used twice in line ${invalidLine}`)
        variables.set(line[0], '')
    return variables

 * Checks if the sample and the original .env files contain the exact same variables
 * @param {Map} sample The variables that were retrieved from the sample .env file
 * @param {Map} original The variables that were retrieved from the .env file
 * @return {Boolean} Returns true if both files match each other
const compareDotenvs = function (sample, original) {
    const sampleVariableNames = sample.keys()
    for (var name of sampleVariableNames) {
        if (!original.has(name)) throw new errors.DotenvCheckDotenvFilesMismatchError(`Variable: ${name} is missing in the original .env file`)

    const originalVariableNames = original.keys()
    for (var name of originalVariableNames) {
        if (!sample.has(name)) throw new errors.DotenvCheckDotenvFilesMismatchError(`Variable: ${name} is missing in the sample .env file`)

    return true

 * Checks if the variables retrieved from the .env file, exist in the current node running instance
 * @param {Map} variables A Map of the variables that were retrieved from the .env file
const checkEnvsAreExported = function (variables) {
    const variableNames = variables.keys()
    for (var name of variableNames) {
        if (!process.env[name]) {
            throw new errors.DotenvCheckVariableNotExportedError(`Environment variable ${name} has not been exported correctly`)
    return variables

 * Scans source code files, finds used environment variables, and if there are variables that dont exist in the .env
 * file, throws an error
 * @param {*} sourceCodeFolder 
 * @param {*} originalVariables 
const checkSourceCode = async function (sourceCodeFolder, originalVariables) {
     * Function to ignore all files, except javascript ones
     * @param {String} file 
     * @param {Object} stats 
    function ignoreFunc(file, stats) {
        return !stats.isDirectory() && path.extname(file) !== ".js";

    const sourceCodePath = path.resolve(sourceCodeFolder)

    const files = await recursiveFileScan(sourceCodePath, [ignoreFunc])
    return, async function(file) {
        let fileContents = null
        // Read each file
        try {
            fileContents = await helpers.readFileAsync(file, 'UTF8')
        } catch (err) {
            // Ignore read errors for now
            // TODO: return an array with soft errors
        if (fileContents) {
            const variableMatchesInCode = fileContents.replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|([^:]|^)\/\/.*$/gm, '').match(/((process\.env\.){1}([a-zA-Z_1-9]*))\b/g)
            if (variableMatchesInCode) {
                variableMatchesInCode.forEach(item => {
                    const variableName = item.substring(12)
                    if (!originalVariables.has(variableName)) throw new Error(`Unknown variable ${variableName} found in code`)  
    }, {concurrency: 5})

 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} [configuration] An object containing configuration about how the module will run
 * @param {String} [configuration.envFile=null] - The path to the .env file, relative to the project path
 * @param {String} [configuration.sampleEnvFile=.env.sample] The path to the .env.sample file, relative to the project path
 * @param {Boolean} [configuration.checkEnvsExported=false] Whether the module should check if the environment variables from the .env file exist in the current node running instance 
 * @param {String} [configuration.sourceCode=null] The path of the source code to check, leave null if you dont want to check
module.exports = function(configuration) {
    this.configuration = Object.assign({}, {
        envFile: null,
        sampleEnvFile: '.env.sample',
        checkEnvsExported: false,
        sourceCode: null
    }, configuration)

    return {
         * Executes all validations
        execute: async () => {
            try {
                if (!this.configuration.sampleEnvFile) {
                    throw new errors.DotenvCheckConfigurationError('Sample .env file does not exist in your configuration')
                await readDotenv(this.configuration.sampleEnvFile)
                .then(variables => this.sampleVariables = variables)
                // If .env file is used, perform extra checks
                if (this.configuration.envFile) {
                    await readDotenv(this.configuration.envFile)
                    .then(variables => this.variables = variables)
                    compareDotenvs(this.sampleVariables, this.variables)
                if (this.configuration.checkEnvsExported) checkEnvsAreExported(this.sampleVariables)
                if (this.configuration.sourceCode) await checkSourceCode(this.configuration.sourceCode, this.sampleVariables)
                return true
            } catch (err) {
                throw err
}.bind({}) // Bind an empty object for babel to work correctly